
St Mary Magdalene Church, Crowmarsh Gifford

The church of St Mary Magdalene has existed since at least 1140 when it was used as a fortified post by King Stephen in his wars with Matilda who held Wallingford Castle. During the Civil War it was used by Cromwell’s men to shelter from the Royalists (there are cannon ball holes in the vestry door to prove it!).

Today we’ve put the guns away and, for several years now, have been linked to Wallingford as part of the Wallingford Team Ministry.

Worship takes place every Sunday at 11 o’clock and you’d be assured of a warm welcome at any of our services. Outside major festivals, the pattern is as follows:

1st Sunday in the month: All Age Worship (a simpler and shorter service with families in mind)

2nd Sunday in the month: Parish Communion (a fairly traditional service with choir & eucharist)

3rd Sunday in the month: Parish Communion

4th Sunday in the month: All Age Communion (a modern eucharist for everyone)

In addition we hold two or three services at the church of Newnham Murren in the summer.


Revd. Kevin Beer
The Vicarage
34 Thamesmead
Crowmarsh Gifford
OX10 8EY
Tel: 01491 599873

Email: [email protected]