October Parish Council Meeting

Serving the villages of Crowmarsh Gifford, Mongewell and North Stoke
Crowmarsh Village Hall. Doors: 7.15pm. Show: 8pm
Bookings and information: https://fleurstevensonjazz.co.uk/shows
We know how much you all look forward to the Wallingford Fireworks Display every year, and over the past 5 years we have been able to donate over £75,000 to 38 local charities as a result of your generosity.
1155 has been monitoring the evolving government guidelines with regards the holding of events in public spaces recently.
We have had to take the inevitable decision to cancel the 2020 Wallingford Fireworks Display. While this may not come as a surprise to many of you, the impact that this will have on the charities that 1155 support will be considerable. Please continue to support those charities, either directly, or through a donation to 1155 (https://wallingford1155.co.uk/about-wallingford-1155/), and thank you to those of you who have already donated. We will pass 100% of those donations onto the local charities that were otherwise relying on proceeds from the fireworks display.
For over 5 years Wallingford Fireworks has made its mark no thanks to our very own Illusion Fireworks Ltd. The fireworks industry has been hit extremely hard by the pandemic so we would like to encourage families to continue the tradition of celebrating bonfire night at home this year and to support Illusion Fireworks. You may purchase incredible fireworks for gardens of all shapes and sizes from their ‘Legendary Fireworks’ shop in Ayres Yard. The shop will be opening on Monday 12 th October everyday from 11am to 6pm.
1155 and Illusion Fireworks will continue to make plans for 2021. We will be back with a bigger and better Wallingford Fireworks Display and bonfire! Thank you for your continued support through what has been a challenging period for all of us, and we look forward to welcoming you back to an 1155 event very soon.
We have an endless need for more amazing volunteers, please contact Mark ( [email protected]) should you wish to give something back and get involved in the running of 1155 events.