At the council elections on 4th May, you will need to take an identification document with a photo in order to be able to vote at the polling station. A range of photo ID will be accepted, including passport, driving licence, disabled parking blue badge, concessionary bus pass or proof of age PASS ID card.
If you don’t have an accepted form of photo ID, you can apply now for a free voter ID document known as a Voter Authority Certificate.
Visit or call 0800 328 0280. The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate is 5pm on Tuesday 25 April.
Month: March 2023
Litter pick – Crowmarsh Gifford, 11 March 10am
The plan is to meet at 10am on Saturday 11th March by the bus shelter under the horse chestnut tree at the Street end of Thames Mead. Kit will be provided, but bring gloves and high-vis if you can.
If you do an hour’s litter collecting, you can then reward yourself with coffee and cake at the community cafe in the village hall!
The date is because I found out after our meeting that the Wallingford 1155 group (who have some Crowmarsh members) are organising it on that date and it makes it easy to get the kit and have the rubbish collected afterwards.
Tell your friends and neighbours!