SODC Office Site – Survey results

Between 5th November 2020 and 31st December 2020 residents of Crowmarsh Gifford, Mongewell and North Stoke submitted their views of what should be done with the previous SODC site. 183 responses were received in total.

Thank you to everyone who participated. We really appreciate your views.

Click below to see a summary of the results.

Crowmarsh Parish Neighbourhood Plan

Plan Submission for Examination

The Crowmarsh Parish Neighbourhood Plan and its ten supporting documents were submitted to the Planning Authority for examination under Reg 16 on 2 December 2020. The Submission version of the plan along with the Consultation Statement and the Basic Conditions Statement are adjacent as downloadable pdf files. The other supporting documents are archived here.

0_Submission Version Plan Crowmarsh

7_Consultation Statement

8_Basic Conditions Statement_November 2020_Final

Council Offices site – have your say

The District Councils have decided not to build new council offices on their previous site in Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford. With many staff able to work from home, a smaller building on another site they own in Didcot will now meet their needs. More info here: 

We as a community can have some input as to what happens with the site now. 
Please share your views with the Parish Council by using the online form found here:

Or by hard copy to Crowmarsh Parish Council Clark, 2 Home Farm, Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8EL.