
Governing Documents

standing orders crowmarsh Oct 24

Sustainability policy statement Crowmarsh Parish Council

Treasury and Investment Policy Oct 2024


23_24 CIL Reporting form Crowmarsh Parish Council

CPC internal audit report 23-24

CPC annual governance statement 23-24

CPC accounting statements 23-24

Crowmarsh Parish Council Signed external auditor report and certificate 23-24

CPC Notice-of-Conclusion-of-Audit ending March 24

CPC Notice-of-Public-Rights 23-24

RFO statement unaudited accounts May 2024

Variances explanation Crowmarsh Parish Council 2023-24

CPC Financial Regulations Updated March 2024

CPC Financial risk assessment march 2024

S137 donations April 23-March 24

CPC assets March 2024


2022_23 CIL Reporting Form Crowmarsh Parish Council

Crowmarsh Parish Council Signed 2023 External Audit Report

Crowmarsh PC Notice-of-Conclusion-of-Audit-2023

CPC Notice-of-Public-Rights 22-23

Crowmarsh PC annual internal audit report 22-23

Crowmarsh PC section 1 annual governance statement 22-23

Crowmarsh PC section 2 accounting statements 22-23

Differences explanation Crowmarsh Parish Council 2022-23

RFO statement unaudited accounts 2022-23

Financial Regulations Updated March 2023

Standing orders crowmarsh

Treasury and Investment Policy


2021-22 CIL Reporting Form Crowmarsh Parish Council

Crowmarsh PC Notice-of-Conclusion-of-Audit-2022

Crowmarsh Signed External Audit Report and Certificate 2021-22

CPC Annual Governance Statement 2021-22

CPC accounting statements 2021-22


CPC notice of public rights 2022

Differences explanation Crowmarsh Parish Council 2021-22

RFO statement unaudited accounts June 2021

Financial Regulations Updated April 2022

Financial risk assessment March 2022

Publication Scheme April 2022


Notice of conclusion of audit 2021


accounting statements CPC 2020-21

annual governance statement 20-21

Bank – Cash and Investment Reconciliation as at 31 March 2021

CPC external audit report and certificate 2021

notice of conclusion of audit 2021

Signed Internal Audit Report 

Summary Receipts and Payments for Year Ended 31st March 2021

Financial Regulations Updated September 2020

standing orders Crowmarsh


Signed Internal Audit Report

Significant variances Audit April 2021


Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019:20

CPC Accounting statements 2019-20_20200622_0001

CPC Annual Internal Audit Report 2019-20_20200622_0001

RFO statement unaudited accounts June 2020

SA-notice-of-public-rights-2020 Crowmarsh Parish Council

CPC Annual Governance Statement 2019-20_20200622_0001




Annual Internal Audit Report 2018/19

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return

2018-19 Annual Governance and Accounting Statements










Annual-Return 2017


Notice of exercise of public rights

Detail of exercise of public rights

RFO Statement

Annual Governance Statement

Annual Accounting Statement

Annual internal audit report


Crowmarsh News








Sep20_crowmarsh_news_online5 | Sep20_crowmarsh_news_extra_JohnHowellMP



Jun20_crowmarsh_news_online2  |  Jun_20_crowmarsh_news_extra_JohnHowellMP  |  Jun_20_crowmarsh_news_extra_District_Councillors

May20_crowmarsh_news  |  May20_crowmarsh_news_Extra-Church

Crowmarsh Parish Council met online for the first time on Thursday 2nd April 2020. The notes from the meeting can be found here:

Parish Council April 2020 meeting notes



























































Parish Council meeting agendas and minutes





CPC minutes Oct 2024




CPC minutes Aug 2024


CPC minutes July 2024


CPC minutes June 2024


CPC minutes May 2024


 CPC minutes April 2024

CPC minutes March 2024


CPC minutes Feb 2024


CPC minutes Dec 2023














Agenda annual parish meeting 2023


Annual meeting May 23 agenda





















agenda annual meeting 2022

revised Agenda Annual PC Meeting agenda May 22


May_2022_agenda annual meeting



















May 4_annual parish council meeting 2021_agenda



April 29_2021_agenda



Annual-Report 2021-from-our-District-Councillor

March 31_2021_Minutes

March 31_2021_agenda








































Annual Parish Meeting May 19_agenda




Notice of Annual Meeting 2019


















June 2017 meeting agenda





























Parish Council meeting dates 2025

All meetings are held on Thursdays, starting at 7.30pm

February 6th- Crowmarsh Village Hall

March 6th – Crowmarsh Village Hall

April 3rd – Crowmarsh Village Hall

May 8th – North Stoke Village Hall

May 22nd – Annual Parish Meeting 7pm Crowmarsh Pavilion

June 5th – Crowmarsh Village Hall

July 3rd- North Stoke Village Hall

August 7th – Crowmarsh Village Hall

September 4th – Crowmarsh Village Hall

October 2nd – North Stoke Village Hall

November 6th – Crowmarsh Village Hall

December 4th – Crowmarsh Village Hall

Please note meeting dates are correct at time of publishing, but may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Local Businesses

Blakes Pet Shop

Open 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and closed on Sunday.

Address: The Lodge, Old Reading Road, Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BW
Telephone: 01491 834911


A family run builders’ merchants open 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm Saturday and closed on Sunday.

Address: 11 The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire OX10 8EA
Telephone: 01491 837183

Crowmarsh Stores

The village shop and newsagents. Open 7am-6pm Monday to Friday and 8am-4pm on Saturday. Closed Sunday.

Address: 62 The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire OX10 8ES.
Tel 01491 837176

Janet Hall – The Mortgage Lady

An experienced ‘whole of market’ mortgage and insurance adviser, based in Crowmarsh Gifford since 2008, offering personal ‘one to one’ advice on a variety of financial and insurance areas.

Address: 115 The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8EF
Telephone: 01491 200221 (advice/sales) 200331 (admin)
Fax: 0800 066 4839
Email: [email protected]


Jay Anderson Photography

Jay is a contemporary wedding, family and commercial photographer and filmmaker.

Address: The Lodge, Old Reading Road, Crowmarsh, OX10 8BW
Telephone: 01491 825886, 07818 108949


Builders’ merchants open 8am-5pm Monday to Friday, 7:30am-12pm Saturday and closed on Sunday.

Address: The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire OX10 8ET
Telephone: 01491 835064
Fax: 01491 825475

Job Centre


Lister Wilder

A long established company specializing in the sales and service of agricultural machinery, and equipment. Standard opening hours are 8am-5pm Monday to Friday, 8am-12:30pm Saturday and closed on Sunday.

Address: The Park, Port Way, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8FG
Telephone: 01491 838388
Fax: 01491 836702
Email: [email protected]


Learnyay – Free Adult Education & Training Courses 

Learnyay helps adults find free education courses and training. By connecting them with ESFA and local authority funded colleges, schools and training providers in their area. Find out more here:

The Queens Head

Friendly bar serving real ales. There is a garden and car park. Check website for opening hours:

Address: The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire OX10 8ER
Telephone: 01491 839857
Fax: 01491 837180


Tom Morgan Osteopathy

Safe and effective Osteopathy treatment for all age groups. Treating most aches and pains. Plenty of free parking and part of a multi-disciplinary clinic with gym. Contact Tom for a free 10 minute consultation.

Address: Lifestyles Gym, Howbery Park, Windrush Innovation Centre, Crowmarsh Gifford. OX10 8BA
Telephone: 01491 822633
Mobile: 07915 664936

Websites: |

Warren James Hairdressing

Warren James Hairdressing is a boutique salon offering all aspects of hairdressing.

Address: The Lodge, Old Reading Road, Crowmarsh, OX10 8BW
Telephone: 01491 833225

WikiJob can help job applicants prepare for interviews, with an assessment centre or aptitude test. There is expert advice and opportunities to speak to other candidates.

If you have a local business that you would like to appear on this page, please get in touch using the contact us form.


Chairman: John Griffin
Vice Chairman: Stephen Sherbourne

Anne Best
Andrew Johnson
Julian Park
David Rowley
Fleur Stevenson
Julia Streete
David Topliss

Parish Clerk: Sue Rance
Finance Officer: Yvonne Peet


Sue Rance, Parish Clerk
Tel: 01491 839170,
[email protected]

County and District Councils

County Councillor: Felix Bloomfield
District Councillors: Sue Cooper and Andrea Powell

News (Archive)

July 2013: Blood Donor Session – 29 August 2013

The National Blood Service next blood donor session will be held on 29 August at Crowmarsh Village Hall.

Attendance times are between 1.30- 3.30pm and 4.15- 7.15pm.

To donate at this session please call 0300 123 23 23 to book an appointment. Attendance by appointment is strongly recommend. New donors are always welcome. Please ring the number above for further information.

SODC – South News

The latest issue of South News, can be found at:

May 2013: Caring for the Chilterns – have your say

Chilterns Conservation Board have just launched a new ‘SurveyMonkey’ public survey to gain people’s initial opinions on what is important about the Chilterns AONB. It will be open until the end of August. The survey can be accessed via

April 2013: Taxi tariff consultation

Vale of White Horse and South and Oxfordshire District Councils are consulting residents on the current taxi tariffs and how taxi pricing should work. If you would like to have your say click here for further information. There is an opportunity for one lucky resident to win a £50 high street shopping voucher of their choice.

Sustainable Wallingford Events in April:

Sustainable Wallingford Meeting

Saturday 27th April, 7pm, Centre 70, Goldsmiths Lane, Wallingford< /br> Now that SODC has agreed in its Core Strategy that 550 new homes are to be built on the west side of Wallingford, how can we achieve a place that is part of the community where people will be happy to live?

Sustainable Wallingford have invited a leading local green architect, Opinder Liddar, winner of many architectural awards, to present his ideas after our Annual General Meeting on 27 April – at 7.00 p.m. in Centre 70. Opinder will suggest how principles of good design, sustainability and “place making” might be incorporated into the new development – illustrated by examples to stimulate imagination and discussion.

Come along and join in the discussion. Then join us for the cutting of Sustainable Wallingford’s tenth birthday cake!

Sustainable Wallingford SwapShop

Saturday 13th April, 10 to 12, Regal Centre, Wallingford

Another chance to pass on unwanted items that someone else could re-use, and/or pick up something useful. Bring items to swap before 11 a.m. – no clothes please. Details on posters or on the website

Sustainable Development and Neighbourhood Planning

The South Oxfordshire Sustainability Group and Transition Henley are holding an event on 22nd April 2013 at 7.30pm with the Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) and Oxfordshire Rural Community Council (ORCC) to share knowledge and experience of local neighbourhood planning. Everyone welcome. The venue is The King’s Arms Barn, off King’s Road, Henley RG9 2AD (next to the Waitrose car park).

March 2013: Wallingford Neighbourhood Policing update

Click here to view the latest Wallingford Neighbourhood Policing newsletter.

Blood Donor Session – 9 May 2013

The National Blood Service next blood donor session will be held on 9 May at Crowmarsh Village Hall.

Attendance times are between 1.30- 3.30pm and 4.15- 7.15pm.

To donate at this session please call 0300 123 23 23 to book an appointment. Attendance by appointment is strongly recommend. New donors are always welcome. Please ring the number above for further information.

December 2012: OxOnline transforming broadband

Broadband is playing an increasingly important role in connecting residents and businesses. OxOnline, a leading partnership supported by all six local authorities in Oxfordshire, is a driving force behind bringing better broadband to Oxfordshire. OxOnline recently finalised and submitted a broadband bid to Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK), a government funding body with a programme for improving nationwide broadband infrastructure.

This week OxOnline is launching a new broadband community toolkit and we need the help of parish councils to do this effectively. We want to get the views of local residents and business as part of our demand registration process. We also want to update people on our recent BDUK funding bid which bring faster broadband (known as “next generation access”) to the county and will be delivered by a private sector partner. This will bring significant benefits to Oxfordshire broadband, with broadband speeds of up to 24Mb available to most of the county by the end of 2015.

We are encouraging both residents and businesses to do a new broadband survey online at In terms of getting responses, it is far easier for us to filter the data and responses from the online survey. However, we are also enclosing a paper copy Word document which can be printed off if necessary as well.

Broadband Campaign Manager
Oxfordshire County Council

December 2012: Wallingford U3A events in Crowmarsh

2 January: Ken Fitt, jazz musician and entertainer, will talk about the life and work of Richard Rodgers.

6 February: Gerry Hanson will talk about his book “England, My England” on the anniversary of the Queen’s accession.

6 March: Richard Thorpe (Brasenose College Oxford) will speak on “The Art of Political Biography”.

Meetings are held in Crowmarsh Gifford Village Hall at 2.00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month. Visitors are welcome.

The U3A is for people over 50 who are no longer in full-time work. It has self-organised groups that usually meet during the day. Wallingford U3A has groups interested in walking, history, novels, poetry, music, genealogy, computing and islands. There is a lunch club as well as outings and visits.

Call the Secretary for further information: 01865 340850.

December 2012: Community Games is coming to Oxfordshire!

South Oxfordshire District Council have a project called Get Oxfordshire (GO) Active, that aims to get adults in Oxfordshire more active by taking part in organised sporting and exercise activities. Click here to view GO Active December promotion sheet for details of activities near you.

One of the focus areas covers the Run England project which is England Athletics recreational running program. There are numerous running groups in the South Oxfordshire District and new groups springing up as the project progresses. Click here for details of a free beginners jogging course starting in February in Wallingford.

Among other activities, there is a Tai Chi 12 week course taking place in Benson in the New Year. Click here for details.

For further information see the Go Active website.

2012 Poppy Appeal

This is the time of the year when we remember all those who have given so much to keep us safe and secure. We practice our remembrance through the two-minute silence on Armistice Day and again on Remembrance Sunday (this year the same day). As a symbol of our thanks and remembrance we wear a poppy, such a beautiful flower that grew on the fields of such terrible sacrifice.

The proceeds from the sale of poppies go to help service men and women, as well as their loved ones; who have suffered the consequence of serving our country in war and conflict, both in the past and unfortunately still in the present day.

It has lifted all our spirits to see us come together on what has been a fantastic year. The Diamond Jubilee, the Olympics and the Paralympics have shown us that we still have a society that can pull together and see the benefit fair play and team spirit. So in that spirit I would like to ask a few small things of you:

Could you spend an hour helping to sell Poppies door to door one evening with me?

For the past few years we have gathered a group of children and parents together on a Saturday afternoon and gone door to door. With a group it is fun and shows our children that they can help others too. This year we will all meet at the village shop at two O’clock on the afternoon of Saturday the third of November and it will take no longer than an hour and a half. Please rip the children form the TV, Xbox, or what ever else and come along.

Come to the remembrance Service at the church at Ten O’clock on Sunday the 11th, followed by the act of remembrance at the lychgate at From 10.50 till 11.00.

If you can help, please call or text me on 07860 134720,


Stephen Brown

P.S. When I come knocking on your door over the next two weeks I may have our new dog with me. Please remember, I am selling poppies, not puppies.

Blood Donor Session – Monday 31 December 2012

The National Blood Service next blood donor session will be held on Monday 31 December at Crowmarsh Village Hall.

Attendance time is between 10am and 2.30pm.

To donate at this session please call 0300 123 23 23 to book an appointment. Attendance by appointment is strongly recommend. New donors are always welcome. Please ring the number above for further information.

August 2012: Walk in the Park – 21 October 2012

Oxford Radcliffe Hospital Charitable Fund is organising a three mile sponsored walk around Oxford University Parks, on Sunday 21 October, raising funds for the Oxford University Hospitals.

Now in its fifth year the walk has raised over £110,000 for the Oxford Cancer and Heart Centre’s. This year participants can specify the part of the hospital they would like to raise sponsorship for, from anything from wards to research Funds!

Participants can register online by clicking here. Entry costs £7.50 for adults and children under 16 can walk for free.

July 2012: Carmel College development proposals

Comer Homes have made a planning application to the South Oxfordshire DIstrict Council for the redevelopment of the site to provide 166 residential dwellings (C3), refurbishment of Grade II and Grade II* listed buildings including provision of a restaurant community cafe and swimming pool and retention of boating facilities and associated landscaping, access and parking arrangements. The full application (P11/W2357) can be viewed on the SODC website:

Comments regarding this application must be lodged with the Council by 8 August 2012. Some residents of Mongewell have come together to form the Mongewell Residents Group to encourage residents to participate in the consultations for both the proposed gravel pit in Cholsey and the development proposals for the Carmel College site. For further information about the Mongewell Residents Group, visit their website:

June 2012: Planning application for the re-development of CABI Wallingford site

CABI have submited a planning application for the demolition of the existing offices and creation of new offices for use by CABI. Creation of care village (new office building (up to 3,108 sq m) (B1 Use Class), A dedicated ‘extra care’ retirement development up to 17,165 sq m comprising up to 49 extra care units and care home comprising up to 64 bed spaces (C2 Use Class), Up to 56 retirement units (C3 Use Class), Up to 24 key worker flats (C3 Use Class), a community/ leisure use building up to 375 sq m (D1/D2 Use Class), and open space, footpaths and landscaping.

The full application (P12/S0436) can be viewed on the SODC website: Representations on this application should be submitted to the Council no later than 6 June 2012.

May 2012: OxOnline transforming broadband

Broadband is playing an increasingly important role in connecting residents and businesses. OxOnline, a leading partnership supported by all six local authorities in Oxfordshire, is a driving force behind bringing better broadband to Oxfordshire. OxOnline recently finalised and submitted a broadband bid to Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK), a government funding body with a programme for improving nationwide broadband infrastructure.

This week OxOnline is launching a new broadband community toolkit and we need the help of parish councils to do this effectively. We want to get the views of local residents and business as part of our demand registration process. We also want to update people on our recent BDUK funding bid which bring faster broadband (known as “next generation access”) to the county and will be delivered by a private sector partner. This will bring significant benefits to Oxfordshire broadband, with broadband speeds of up to 24Mb available to most of the county by the end of 2015.

We are encouraging both residents and businesses to do a new broadband survey online at In terms of getting responses, it is far easier for us to filter the data and responses from the online survey. However, we are also enclosing a paper copy Word document which can be printed off if necessary as well.

Broadband Campaign Manager
Oxfordshire County Council

May 2012: Olympic Torch Relay

Crowmarsh Gifford, 10 July 2012

As you may be aware the Olympic Torch Relay passes through Crowmarsh Gifford at approximately 8.30 a.m. on the morning of the 10th of July.

Large numbers of people are expected to view its passing through Wallingford and Crowmarsh Gifford. You are advised to walk to your viewing position and arrive as early as possible.

BE WARNED: This event will involve a large amount of road closures in the area, if you need to travel to Abingdon, Oxford, Wallingford or Henley on the morning of the 10th be aware there will be severe delays due to the road closures. The Metropolitan Police, who are handling security for the Torch Relay, will be operating a rolling road closure programme. The average closure time is approximately one hour (it could be more, it could be less). The organiser’s advice is to either travel an hour earlier or delay any travel until the Torch has passed through our area. Thames Valley Police will be responsible for normal police procedures.

There will be no overnight parking allowed in The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford and the road itself will close from approximately 7.45 a.m until 9.15 a.m. There will be no access on to The Street from all adjoining roads (Wallingford Bridge, Retreat Gardens, Jethro Tull Gardens, The Limes, Thamesmead, Benson Lane, Old Reading Road, Home Farm, Lane End, Meadow Lane, A4074). The A4074 roundabout (all entrances and exits) will also be closed for a short time to allow the large vehicle convoy that’s accompaning the Torch to pass onto Crowmarsh Hill for its journey onto Nettlebed (which will also be closed for an hour) then onto Henley. Major traffic disruption is predicted for a large part of the morning in Henley. The bridge over the Thames will be shut, thus denying access to the M4 from our direction.

Wallingford town centre will be closed to traffic from 6.00 a.m for a Radio Oxford roadshow. It will reopen at 10.00 a.m. Other parts of Wallingford will be affected by the rolling road closure programme.

Crowmarsh School will not open until 9.30 a.m., with lessons starting at 10.00 a.m. An area will be reserved in The Street for parents and their children who attend the school to view the passing of the Torch. The SODC offices in Benson Lane will delay opening until 9.15 a.m.

The Bell public house will be opening early for breakfast and refreshments.

This will probably be the only time in many of our life’s that the Olympic Torch will visit our village and the public are urged to view this event with that sentiment.

SODC are still looking for members of the public to volunteer to act as route marshalls on the 10th July. Volunteering to be a marshall guarantees you a great view of proceedings and also means that you will play an important role in ensuring things run smoothly. All volunteers will receive training in the run up to the event.

If you are interested in becoming a marshall in Crowmarsh Gifford then give Nigel Hannigan a ring on 01491 838395 for more information or, email [email protected] or call 01235 547693.

April 2012: GO Active South Oxfordshire Newsletter

This month you can sign up to …

1. Volunteer at the Olympic Torch Relay on 10 July, as it passes through South Oxfordshire, see link for contact information.

2. Start jogging with a Run England beginner courses in your local area – or sign up to train as a volunteer Jog Leader.

3. Try out Nordic Walking with tasters and courses coming up in Goring and Ewelme – or sign up to train as a volunteer Nordic Walk Leader.

4. If you love swimming, then try out open water swimming – you can also volunteer as a water safety officer in exchange for free swims.

5. Join in with our social netball groups – we are always looking for volunteers to help out at the tournaments.

6. Get in touch with touch rugby tasters in Wallingford – volunteer to “ref” some of the games.

..And more! For full details and to find out how to get involved click here to view the GO Active South Oxfordshire Newsletter.

March 2012: Olympic Torch in Crowmarsh Gifford – volunteers needed

South Oxfordshire District Council is looking for members of the public to volunteer to act as route marshalls on the morning of 10th July, when the Olympic Torch Relay passes through Crowmarsh Gifford.

Volunteering to be a marshall guarantees you a great view of proceedings and also means that you will play an important role in ensuring things run smoothly.

All volunteers will receive training in the run up to the event.

If you are interested in becoming a marshall in Crowmarsh Gifford then give Nigel Hannigan a ring on 01491 838395 for more information or, email [email protected] or call 01235 547693.

March 2012: New Dial-a-Ride Service begins 2 April 2012

From 2 April there will be a new service for disabled and mobility-impaired people in South Oxfordshire. For full details of this service Click here to view the information leaflet.

March 2012: Crowmarsh of Olympic Torch Relay Route

On the morning of Tuesday 10 July Wallingford and Crowmarsh will be welcoming the Olympic Torch Relay as it makes its way round the country before the start of the London 2012 Olympics.

The Torch will begin its route through the area just after 8.20am on Castle Street (at the junction with Wittenham Close). It will be carried down to Wallingford town centre where it will go round St Martin’s Street before heading up to High Street. It will then travel along The Street into Crowmarsh, and will leave the area next to Lane End just before 8.50am, at which point it will be transferred onto a bus for the journey to Nettlebed.

We would like to see as many people as possible join us in lining the streets to help celebrate this historic event. Where possible people are encouraged to walk to point on the route nearest to where they live as this will be the best way of ensuring that as many people as possible get to see the Torch.

There will be temporary road closures in place along the route for up to an hour before the convoy begins its journey through the town. Residents and businesses are therefore asked to plan in advance if they intend to make a journey between 7.20am and 9.20am. Further information about the route, including a detailed map, is available at

Your help is needed

South Oxfordshire District Council is looking for members of the public to volunteer to act as route marshals on the morning that the Olympic Torch Relay passes through Wallingford and Crowmarsh.

On 10 July the torch will be travelling through the area early in the morning. This means that volunteers may need to be at their marshal locations as early as 7.10am, so it’s important that anyone who signs up is able to do so.

Volunteering to be a marshal guarantees you a great view of proceedings and also means that you will play an important role in ensuring things run smoothly.

All volunteers will receive training in the run up to the event. To volunteer please email [email protected] or call 01235 547693.

Crowmarsh Summer of Festivals

Get out your picnic rugs and prepare to join us to celebrate the Jubilee and Olympics this summer.

On Monday 4th June, 12 noon onwards, come to the Recreation Ground for the Jubilee Picnic in the Park – since we can’t close The Street for a street party, we’re having it elsewhere!

Then the Torch Relay will be coming through the village on Tuesday 10th July, so we’ll be out again – this time on The Street – to celebrate. Click here to view the flyer for this event.

And to start the Olympics in style, we have a ‘come and have a go’ afternoon and evening in the Recreation Ground. It’s on Friday July 27th involving many of our local activities and sports (not just sports, you’ll notice), alongside an Olympics Community Festival, followed by a picnic in the park with a big screening of the opening ceremony and our own fireworks!

All for FREE and open to everyone of every age.

We need your help for bunting and flags- makings, supplying and donations.

For further details of how to help and information for both the Jubilee and Olympic activities contact the Community Festival team by email: [email protected]

We hope you’ll join in with these community celebrations.

Temporary path closure

The path from the Queens Head car park to Newnham Green will be closed on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of April for repairs.

Notice from NHS Oxfordshire – changes to the way health records are managed

Click here here to view the notice from NHS Oxfordshire about changes to NHS Care Records Service.

Volunteer assistants needed to help Lock Keepers

The Environment Agency is looking for volunteers to assist with the operation and maintenance of locks from Cricklade in Wiltshire to Teddington in Middlesex, through the busy summer months.

Click here to view the full details.


Jubilee Celebrations: Picnic in the Park – Monday 4 June 2012

At Crowmarsh Recreation Ground.

Olympic Games Celebrations- Come and have a go day – 3pm – 10.30pm Friday 27 July 2012

At Crowmarsh Recreation Ground. Come and have a go at something new, for free… dance, singing, zumba, short mat bowls, football, cricket, team tug o’ war, netball, games…. Then watch the opening ceremony on a big screen and picnic in the park.
Hosted by St Mary Magdalene Church.
For more information contact Sarah Nesbitt: [email protected]

More details on both events to follow.

Crowmarsh on the Olympic torch route

Crowmarsh is on the route of the Olympic torch next summer (see the BBC website for full route details) passing through on 10 July on the way from Wallingford to Nettlebed.

New play train at the Recreation Ground

The new play train, a memorial to Allin Pratt, has now arrived at the children’s play area in the Recreation Ground. The Parish Council held a small ceremony on Saturday 1 October. The train is particularly for the under 5’s and has been well received by the children.

Macmillan Centenary Gala Concert

Sunday 30th October, 8pm

New Theatre, Oxford

Join Macmillan Cancer Support in celebrating our centenary year with a spectacle of music and singing hosted by Brian Kay, featuring performances from Dame Felicity Lott, Richard Wiegold, Commotio and 2011 Cardiff Singer of the World finalist Anna Leese.

The concert culminates in a performance of Faure’s Requiem sung by a scratch choir a 800 voices!

Come and watch or even be part of the spectacle! We are looking for singers of all abilities to come and sing in the choir. All you need is enthusiasm… and a pencil. Visit the website for more details on being involved.

Be a part of a truly memorable evening and help Macmillan improve the lives of those affected by cancer.

Audience tickets: £15 (£10 concessions)
Singing tickets: £10 (£5 concessions)
Subject to booking / transaction fees
0844 871 3020
Tickets can also be bought from the Helen and Douglas House shop in Wallingford.

Crowmarsh Gifford new community tennis club

Local residents of the community will now benefit from a brand new community tennis club in Crowmarsh Gifford. The club has been established by Community Tennis Association in partnership with Crowmarsh Gifford Parish Council, after growing demand and with no tennis club in the village.
Click here to view the full press release.

Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund (RAFBF)

Have you seen the ‘heart roundel’ of the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund (RAFBF) around Crowmarsh Gifford in the past few weeks? The RAFBF is the RAF’s leading welfare charity, providing financial, practical and emotional support to past and present serving personnel, their partners and dependants. The charity is currently running a campaign to raise awareness of its work on and around RAF Benson. For more information on the RAFBF, or to make a donation, visit

Waste collections during August Bank Holidays

Normal collection day- Tuesday 30 August. Revised collection day- Wednesday 31 August

For further information visit the SODC website or call 03000 610610.

Household waste recycling centre strategy for Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire CC is consulting on a revised Household Waste Recycling Centre Strategy. They are asking Oxfordshire residents and councils for their thoughts and views on a proposed new approach. This will help firm up the approach to providing a sustainable solution and feed into the wider review of the joint municipal waste management strategy for Oxfordshire later in the year.

For further details and to comment on the revised proposal please visit:

The consultation will run from 7 March – 4 April 2011.

Thames Travel bus route disruptions – 23 February

On Wednesday 23 February 2011 for 5 days Wallingford High Street will be closed due to a collapsed sewer.

X39 / X40, 132, 130 and 125 services will not be able to serve Crowmarsh Gifford, The Street or Benson Lane. For X39/X40 services Oxford bound there is a temporary bus stop at Marsh Lane, A4074. All 132 services to/from RAF Benson will operate via Shillingford Bridge

Temporary road closure of Clack’s Lane, Crowmarsh – 24 January 2011

Oxfordshire County Council has received a request from Aplant Lux Traffic Management for a temporary road closure to apply to Clack’s Lane whilst essential telecommunication works are carried out.

A temporary order will be made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 24 January 2011. The estimated duration of the works is 5 days between 09:30 hours and 15:30 hours.

Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles, the works and those residents within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works.

Click here (removed as out of date) to see a copy drawing showing the extent of the temporary road closure and alternative routes for traffic.

Your chance to vote for high speed internet for this area

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are encouraging local people to vote to get their area high speed broadband in BT’s race to infinity.

The five areas with the highest number of votes by 31 December 2010 will get BT infinity fibre optic cables installed in their area. Many parts of the districts have not got these cables and are not included in BT’s five year plan to roll out fibre optic broadband.

Individuals can vote for their area to receive BT’s highspeed broadband by visiting

Unsuccessful areas will still be in with a chance to increase their internet speed as the councils will try to help areas with the worst connection. You can help by measuring your current broadband speeds, collating this information and returning it to South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils. For information about how to measure broadband speed and how to send results to us, please email [email protected] or call Emma Morris on 01491 823612.

More information can be found on the BT infinity website.

Have Your Say Event – 11 December 2010

The Neighbourhood teams at Wallingford Police Station have decided to hold one big Have Your Say Event on 11 December in Wallingford Market Place from 11am – 1pm. There will be members from each neighbourhood team present to answer any queries. This is a good occasion for members of the community to inform the neighbourhood Police of any issues or concerns that they are experiencing in their neighbourhood or even just to find out what the Police teams have been doing/will be doing in the local area. There will also be Crime Reduction advice, Neighbourhood Watch information, Country watch information and the chance to have a look around the Police neighbourhood van.

To view the event poster click here.

New van and trailer permits for Oakley Wood Recycling Centre

Householders that use a commercial-type vehicle, such as a van or trailer 1.8m to 3m in length, to take their household waste or recyclables to Waste Recycling Centres, will be required to apply for a free permit. Permits will be required from 1 November 2010 and can be applied for from 16 August 2010 onwards.

For full details see the Oxfordshire County Council website.

New waste and recycling collections calendar – starts 27 September 2010

Notice from SODC

From 27 September, we will be starting a new bin collection calendar due to joining up our collections with the Vale of the White Horse District Council.

The whole district will start the new calendar with grey bin collection the week commencing 27 September. In some cases, this will mean a grey bin collection the week commencing 20 September and again the following week.

If you have extra recycling, just put this out in clear or white plastic bags or boxes with your green bin the week commencing 4 October.

Everyone should receive the new calendar soon. However, if the propertyhas subscribed to no junk mail from the Royal Mail or it does not arrive by 27 September please call 03000 610610 or email [email protected] and we will put one in the post.

The following areas will have a new collection day.

Towersey – Monday

Tetsworth – Monday

Sydenham – Monday

Postcombe – Monday

Emington- Monday

Culham – Friday

We can send you a free text message to let you know when to put your bins out during bank holidays and collection disruptions. Just text the word waste and your new collection day to 07797 870370.

We will make significant savings of around £434,000 each year by sharing our rubbish and recycling service.

The High Court has now ruled against Bloor Homes and Hallam Land Management

Bloor Homes and Hallam Land Management challenged the planning inspectors decision to refuse planning permission for 210 houses in Crowmarsh. The High Court has now ruled against them. For more information click here to read the report from The Wallingford Herrald.

Bloor Homes apply for a Judicial Review

Last year the District Council Planning Service refused permission for planning application P09/W0201/O – 210 dwellings to the land East of Benson Lane, Crowmarsh. The application was submitted by Bloor Homes and Hallam Land Management.

Bloor Homes and Hallam Land Management appealed against this planning decision and the Appeal was heard last November. The Inspector, Mr Grace, ruled against the Appeal.

Bloor Homes and Hallam Land Management have now applied for a Judicial Review in which a Judge will listen to their argument that the Inspector has come to the wrong decision. If the Judicial Review is not dismissed then another Inquiry will be held.

12 January – Waste Collections

Please click here (removed as out of date) to view the latest information on rubbish and recycling collections from South Oxfordshire District Council.

8 January – Notice from the SODC
Rubbish collections suspended over the weekend

Due to icy conditions on minor roads and housing estates we are unable to collect bins today and over the weekend. Crews are currently diverted to clearing snow in car parks, town centres and other key sites.

We are working on a recovery plan and collections will resume as soon as conditions improve, which will hopefully be next week.

Please check our website and local radio stations for updates on Monday morning. Or you can register for a free text alert when the collections resume. Just text the word: waste and then your normal (pre Christmas schedule) delivery day to 07797 870370. You can also contact our contractor’s hotline on 03000 610610.

We will collect extra recycling in clear sacks and carrier bags and extra rubbish in black bin bags when collections resume. If your food bin is getting full and you’re not sure what to do with your extra food waste you can put it in 100% biodegradable sack with your bin. Most supermarkets, co-ops, some local shops and post offices stock the sacks if you can get to them.

We have suspended bulky waste and garden waste collections until 18 January so vehicles can be used to help with rubbish collections when they restart.

If you have any questions or comments about rubbish collections please call Verdant on 03000 610 610 (local rate), email [email protected] or visit

Bloor Homes planning appeal dismissed

Following the inquiry in November into the planning appeal by Bloor Homes & Hallam Land Management for the erection of 210 dwellings off Benson Lane, a decision to dismiss the appeal has been made. The planning inspectors report was published on 2 December. To download the full report click here.

The Inquiry into the appeal by Bloor Homes begins on 3rd November

At the June District Council meeting a unanimous decision was made to refuse permission for planning application P09/W0201/O – 210 dwellings to the land East of Benson Lane, Crowmarsh. Bloor Homes & Hallam Land Management then submitted an appeal.

The inquiry into this appeal begins on Tuesday 3rd November at 10am and could last up to four days. It will be held in the SODC Council Chamber on Benson Lane and is open to the public.

Full details of this application can be found on the SODC website.

Swine Flu

Catch It, Bin It, Kill It. Catch your sneeze in a tissue, place it quickly in a bin and wash your hands and surfaces regularly to kill the virus.

The NHS advice is for individuals to practice good personal hygiene. If you think you have flu like symptoms then stay at home and follow the advice on the NHS website which includes a Symptom Checker, or call the flu hotline on 0800 1 513 513 to hear the latest advice.

The FCO website gives additional information with respect to travel.

‘Flu friends’ is an initiative to preventing people who may be suffering from swine flu from having to go outdoors will help restrict the potential spread of flu to others. A ‘flu friend’ can be relatives, neighbours or friends who will collect medicines, food and other supplies for you if you get swine flu, so that you do not have to leave home. For further information on ‘flu friends’ click here.

Oakley Wood Recycling Centre re-open

The centre is open Monday to Sunday 8am to 5pm. Thursday late night opening until 8pm, from 1 April to 30 September. For further details and information about other recycling centres in Oxfordshire, see the County Council website.

Crowmarsh Village Hall improvements

The Hall Committee is planning to provide a new ceiling in the main room of the Village Hall. Work will start on 27th July and will take 2 weeks.

Changes to waste collection

There will be changes to the waste collection service for South Oxfordshire from 8th June. Your green recycling bin will be replaced with a mixed recycling bin, non recyclables bin and lockable food waste bin. There will be a weekly collection of the food wast bin and fortnightly collection of the recycle bin and non recyclables bin.

Full details can be found on the SODC website.

Parish Council

Welcome to the Parish Council Page

Council Offices – Have your say

Survey results

Between 5th November 2020 and 31st December 2020 residents of Crowmarsh Gifford, Mongewell and North Stoke submitted their views of what should be done with the previous SODC site. 183 responses were received in total. 

Click below to see a summary of the results. 


New children’s play area

Our new children’s play area and outdoor gym is now complete! To see photos of the opening, click here.

New Playground project archive: 

Play Area Action Group pictured below, missing Denise Hall and Edwina Johnson.

Play Area Meeting 20 April 17 minutes


The responses for the below survey have now been collated and can be found here: Results from community playground consultation. Thank you for your support.


Do you support the building of a new children’s play area and outdoor gym in Crowmarsh?

The old children’s play area in the Crowmarsh Recreation Ground is over 20 years old and in need of removal or replacement. We can apply for grants from various funding bodies if we can demonstrate community support. Would you like to see it replaced with new equipment such as jungle climber, swings, roundabouts, riders on springs and slides? Our plan would include an outdoor gym (training aids) and facilities suitable for disabled children.

If you support this initiative, please add your name to the comment sheet either at The Village Shop, The Primary School or online here: EVERY NAME COUNTS! Only if we have people’s support can we apply for funding to pay for it. If you’d like to help us with any aspect of applying for funding please get in touch with Andrew ([email protected]).

Residents’ survey on future new housing in Crowmarsh

This survey is now closed. Thank you to all who took the time to complete it. The results can be found here: Residents survey results

Nature Area report

In November 2012 Crowmarsh Parish Council commissioned a survey to provide advice about the ecological condition and potential management of the Nature Area, and the area of undeveloped rough grass and trees, to the west of the playing fields of Crowmarsh Recreation Ground. The report includes a summary of the survey results and management suggestions to maintain and improve the ecological quality of the site. Click here to view the full report.

Following this report the Parish Council is now planning the management strategy for the Nature Area. More details to follow soon.


Financial audit

Click here to view the notice of financial audit.

Councillors’ registers of interest

Parish councillors in South Oxfordshire are required to register their interests in accordance with their code of conduct. These interests include amongst other things the name of their employer, details of any land or property owned in the district, contracts and interests in companies. Click here to go to SODC website to view Crowmarsh Parish Councillor’s declarations of interests.

Solar-powered Crowmarsh!

Crowmarsh Parish Council has taken a small step towards sustainability with the installation of solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of the Recreation Ground sports Pavilion. The 22 panels generate electricity (up to 3,850 Watts) from sunlight. This will reduce the annual electricity bill at the Pavilion. In addition, the Government has sponsored a scheme whereby 41.3p is paid for every kWh generated, with an extra 3p given for every unit (kWh) exported to the national grid. So as long as the sun keeps shining our installation should pay for itself within 9 years.

Three bids were received and the Parish Council decided the PHOTON Company offered the best value. The Sharp solar panels used are manufactured in the UK. In our case, as the Pavilion is not a dwelling, full planning permission had to be obtained. Everything finally came to fruition in December, just before the snow made its presence felt. Users of the Pavilion can now view a monitor which shows the current and total electricity generation from the sun in real time. We look forward to publishing the first year’s figures in the Crowmarsh News at the end of 2011.

Several householders locally have installed similar (smaller) panels and are also benefitting from lower bills and feed-in payments.

For more details of the installation please talk to Andrew Johnson.

Solar_Indoor_monitor Solar_Outdoor_portrait

Crowmarsh Parish Appraisal

A Crowmarsh Parish action plan has been created out of the results of the 2001 appraisal and feedback from the Appraisal Exhibition in 2004. The three year long process started in 2001 when a comprehensive questionnaire was created and distributed to every household in the Crowmarsh Parish. The purpose of the survey was to obtain peoples views on such things as recreation, transport and environment.

The action plan and full results of the survay can be found on the Crowmarsh Parish Appraisal website:


Parish Clerk: Sue Rance. Tel 01491 839170. Email [email protected]