Exciting developments at Crowmarsh Recreation Ground

Dear residents, please bear with us as we begin redeveloping the pavilion and its environs. The plan is to create new public toilets, a new food servery with hatch opening onto an outdoor mezzanine table area and a new internal meeting room, which is also linked to the servery . The project will help utilise the Pavilion existing plan area, which includes 2 unused changing areas and increase the facilities offered. The new disabled public toilet will be served by a redesigned gentle sloped ramp. Additional items will include outdoor table tennis and additional planting. This project got the go ahead thanks to the Parish Council Environment and Recreation Committee winning approx. £140,000 in external funding from the SODC capital grants (where it came first in all the grant applications to South Oxfordshire) and the FCC Communities Foundation (£67,238, a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community projects through the Landfill Communities Fund) which together with £75,000 from the Parish Council, meant the funding for all the project has been achieved. David Rowley led the bids with help from the Environment & Recreation Committee with Sue Rance negotiating the arduous online applications. The timings of the grants have helped take account of increasing material prices and allow for a new ramp for disabled access. These followed an almost 2-year design and development period supported by architect Michael Simpson. This is probably the most complex project the Parish Council has undertaken in the past 30 years (remember we are all volunteers). It will build on the success of the new play area to ensure the residents of Crowmarsh have facilities second to none. All being well we will finish in November 2022.
Andrew Johnson

NHS COVID Vaccinations – 5-11 Year Olds
All children aged 5-11 continue to be offered vaccination against Covid-19 vaccine and this half-term holiday is good time to get your child vaccinated in time for the summer when cases might increase. Two doses of the vaccine (at least 12 weeks apart) should give the child long-lasting protection against serious complications of infection and some protection from mild symptoms. To book an appointment, please visit https://www.nhs.uk/covidvaccination or call 119. The NHS wants to support you to make an informed choice with more information available here COVID-19: A guide for parents of children aged 5 to 11 (publishing.service.gov.uk) If you do not know your child’s NHS number you can get it:· – by checking your child’s personal health record (the red book given to you when your child was born) – by checking any NHS letters, prescriptions or test results you may have received for your child – by going to the NHS.UK website – by asking your GP practice to help you NHS Comms Team |

Crowmarsh Youth Football Club Football Tournament, 4-5th June 2022

20mph in the villages
Oxfordshire County Council is making it easier for town and villages to change 30mph streets to 20mph in order to make streets safer, encourage residents to walk or cycle and to reduce noise and pollution.The centre of Wallingford now has a 20mph limit and the Parish council has applied to OCC for 20mph in the residential streets in Crowmarsh Gifford, North Stoke and Mongewell. Please let the Parish Council know if oy support this initiative using the online survey at
https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VRDQLY5 or by email/ letter to the Parish Clerk.
Neighbourhood Plan
The final version of the Neighbourhood Plan can be found below.
Jubilee Barn Dance Sunday 5th June

Bookings are now open for the Jubilee Barn Dance!
Venue: Crowmarsh Village Hall
This is a ticketed event and numbers will be limited to 75.
Band: Melobo www.melobo.co.uk
- 7.30pm Barn Dance Part One
- 8.45pm Break
- 9.15pm Barn Dance Part Two
- 10.15pm Finish
Ticket costs: £8 per adult, £5 per child (age 14 and below). Tickets are limited and will be sold on a first come and paid basis.
To book, please email Sue Rance at [email protected] and let her know how many adults and how many children’s tickets you would like. Sue will then send you the Parish Council bank details. If you prefer you can also phone 01491 839170 or drop a note into 2 Home Farm.
A bar is being provided by the Queens Head staff.