Notice of Casual Vacancy

Serving the villages of Crowmarsh Gifford, Mongewell and North Stoke
Crowmarsh Playground and Outdoor Gym will reopen on Wednesday 22 July at 10am, after the easing of lockdown restrictions.
Before use, please read and follow the guidance on signs posted. Opening has involved checking that the equipment is in good order, putting up signs to make sure everyone takes responsibility to use the equipment safely and the fitting of sanitizers to help encourage good and frequent hand cleaning.
Please note that by using the play area or outdoor gym you will be accepting that it is not risk-free with regards to the Covid-19 virus.
We are unable to monitor or clean the play areas on a frequent basis and are, therefore, asking parents and carers to take responsibility.
This means:
If you are using any green spaces or gym please adhere to the guidelines on social distancing, maintaining a distance of 2 metres (6ft), alone or with members of your household and wash/sanitise your hands before, after and during usage of the equipment.
To report any problems or issues please contact Crowmarsh Parish Council at [email protected]
To report anti-social behaviour – call 101
Last updated 22nd July 2020.
Please bear with us as we obtain hand sanitizers and appropriate signage prior to reopening our play area. We do not want to put anyone at undue risk.
Andrew Johnson
Crowmarsh Parish Council