Local Neighbourhood Plan discussion meetings

The Steering Group responsible for developing your Crowmarsh Parish Neighbourhood Plan is hosting meetings at Crowmarsh Gifford School on Tuesday 13 March and North Stoke Village Hall on Thursday 15 March, both starting at 7.30 pm. The purpose of the meetings is to explain what has been achieved so far and to put the preliminary findings to you for discussion and informal consultation.

Crowmarsh Playground – Proposals

The Play Area Action Group are currently getting quotations  for the new proposal and intend to apply for grants towards the funding from September. Any Section 106 funding proposals towards this from new developments would be appreciated.

Latest proposals:



Meeting minutes:

Play area Meeting 14 June minutes

Play Area Meeting 20 April 17 minutes

If anyone would like to comment on the proposal to please send to both Andrew t3485@ntlworld.com and ajo@ceh.ac.uk and David d.rowley@ntlworld.com

Full details of the project can be found here: http://crowmarshgifford.org.uk/2017/07/09/crowmarsh-playground-proposals/