Support from the District and County Councils

A new Community Support team has been established at SODC as part of the county-wide redeployment of staff to ensure support for the district’s most vulnerable residents, while also maintaining normal services as much as possible during the current emergency as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. This new team is collating information about the large number of newly established support groups to ensure that there are no gaps in coverage and we don’t duplicate effort. 

Each district councillor has an advance of £2000 from their annual grant allowance to support these groups if necessary. Anyone needing funding for expenses should email Andrea Powell or Sue Cooper.

Oxfordshire help lines have been established as a first point of contact for anyone in need of help. There are TWO separate lines. Anyone identified as in the extremely vulnerable “shielded” category should call 01865 897820 or email [email protected]. Anyone else self-isolating and in need of support can check to find a volunteer group nearby at or you can call 01235 422600 or email [email protected]. These support lines are open 8.30am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sundays.

The SODC coronavirus information page is updated daily and remains the best first port of call for information on local services:

Oxfordshire County Council recycling centres are closed. 

The SODC Food and Safety team is responsible for enforcing business closures and using their Twitter account to spread the word so businesses aren’t tempted to open up against the government’s Stay at Home rules.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Free Covid-19 Testing kits for those without symptoms

To help reduce Covid-19 risks to everyone at school, their families and contacts, the PC would like to highlight and encourage, parents and others in households of school children to use the free twice-weekly home testing kits for those withoutsymptoms. Home test kits can be delivered to your door, so you can test yourself and your family without leaving your home. 

We understand that 1 in 3 people do not have any symptoms but can still pass it on. 

With the Easter hols there is likely to be more mixing between people of different ages, particularly at places like the playground, so it would be good if households start to do this before they go back to school.

Lateral flow test kits can be obtained from pharmacies, or ordered online:

You can order 1 pack of home test kits containing 7 tests for home delivery. Your tests should arrive within 2 days.

Order rapid lateral flow home test kits

Local coronavirus advice

Latest advice and local information from SODC and OCC:

Government coronavirus advice

Specific advice for a range of settings including travel advice, advice on educational settings, guidance for employers, employees, self-employed people, those in health and care sector is also available at the following link. This is updated as appropriate:

Crowmarsh Community Group

Help is available in the Crowmarsh community if you are isolating at home and need support, shopping, someone to talk to:

Learnyay – Free Adult Education & Training Courses

Learnyay helps adults find free education courses and training. By connecting them with ESFA and local authority funded colleges, schools and training providers in their area. With many people furloughed and self-isolating, we feel it’s more important than ever to raise awareness about free education courses and training. Find out more here:
Mary Williams, Learnyay

Litter blitz, Saturday 14th March

Crowmarsh parish councillors and residents will be joining with Wallingford’s 1155 charity on 14th March, ahead of the nationwide Great British Spring Clean, to clear our streets, roads, paths and hedgerows of litter to make the village look clean and tidy.  

Please join in this community activity if you can. Look out for final details on posters, but volunteers are asked to meet at the end of Thames Mead at 10 am. Equipment will be provided but please wear robust footwear and warm clothes. Accompanied children welcome.

New Crowmarsh Playground

Play Ground Opening 

Photos by Ebie:

Photos by More Than Images:

Playground Opening – 7th April 2019 Thanks to all who attended to the Grand opening of the new playground and outdoor gym equipment. It was a lovely afternoon to celebrate our new facilities at the Recreation Ground. Some photo highlights are below. More photos of the big event (taken by Eibe the playground manufacture) can be found here:

UPDATE, November 2018:

It is with great thanks from the following providers that we have secured the necessary funds to proceed with the project to update the Playground and add a new Outdoor Gym.

SODC                                                                                                                   £99,790

WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund                                                 £80,040

ACTIVE SPACES *                                                                                          £5,000

Agrivert                                                                                                              £500

Howbery Park                                                                                                  £300

Waitrose                                                                                                            £240

Homebase Property Management                                                         £150

There are also contributions of £513 from the community donated in memory of the former Parish Council Chairman John Bellamy.

In addition Crowmarsh Parish Council is contributing to the project a sum of approximately £35,000.  This includes £8604 to FCC Recycling UK Ltd to facilitate the WREN grant.

With a total of £185,000 worth of grants from our three main funding providers Crowmarsh Parish Council is now planning the commencement of the project.  Due diligence has been carried out and Eibe has been appointed contractor for the New Playground and Outdoor Gym Installation.

Dates to Remember: Crowmarsh Playground closed from 8th January until approximately Easter 2019

Work is scheduled to commence on the 8th January with an estimated handover mid to late March – therefore the playground and surrounding area will be off limits during this time.

We look forward to being able to welcome you all back to the New Playground and New Outdoor Gym with a Grand Opening around Easter.

Crowmarsh Parish Council

Crowmarsh Playground Plan

UPDATE, September 2018:


Subject to legal requirements Crowmarsh Parish Council is happy to report that sufficient funding has been secured such that the New Playground and Outdoor Gym project can go ahead.

Many thanks to the providers, SODC, WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund and ACTIVE SPACES (The London Marathon Charitable Trust and Fields Trust) for their contributions, and thanks to the community for your letters of support and feedback helping to shape the project and its outcome.

We look forward to sharing more with you in the near future once we have gone through due diligence and appointed a contractor.

Crowmarsh Parish Council

UPDATE, 8 February 2018:

Planning Approved

We are pleased to report we now have planning approval for the play area upgrade and addition of a gym area.

For those who missed seeing the plans, please see below. Some of these drawings and images are currently on display in the Crowmarsh Primary School hall, they will stay up for two weeks after the half term break.  There will also be a display during the Coffee morning at Crowmarsh Village Hall on Saturday 10th March 10.00 till 12.00.

Please note the design has considered requests for equipment made in our previous survey in spring last year, which had 215 people supporting the principle of a new improved playground and 126 supporting the gym.

Grant Applications

We need external funding for this project to be realised, which the Parish Council will now be seeking through grant applications.

You can help us with the process with your written support of the proposed playground and or the gym.

To help secure external funding we would like to provide further evidence to potential funders that local people support the proposed design and equipment.  This means we need you to send letters or e-mails to us (The Parish Council) supporting the new play area and gym, specifically referring to the design features and which aspects will be most beneficial to you and your family.  Please include your name. Where applicable please include comments / quotes from the children (noting their ages) who would benefit from these improvements.

Written support will be collated by Michelle Reynolds.  Letters can be sent into school addressed to Michelle.  Alternatively, e-mails can be sent to [email protected].  These responses will be collated and submitted as part of our grant applications.

Expressing your personal support could make the difference in securing the necessary funds for this great project to be realised. 

Many thanks, in anticipation.

Crowmarsh Parish Council

Proposed design plans (click on the links to download the files)

Playground renders:






Crowmarsh CRO-P13-PRESENTATION-3D images

Design and Access statement, Landscape and Transport for the proposed new playground at Crowmarsh Rec. Grd.

Gym Equipment renders:


Proposed External Gym
The Parish Council are currently looking at putting in 6 pieces of gym equipment by the Recreation Ground play area, but which, is still to be decided.
These are 2 sets of suggestions which have been made, there may be others.
If you like the idea of the gym and have any thoughts on it and the
equipment, please let the Parish Council know. c/o Michelle
[email protected]

The old children’s play area in the Crowmarsh Recreation Ground is over 20 years old and in need of removal or replacement. A survey to gather support from the community for a new playground and new outdoor gym outdoor gym was carried out from April to June 2017 and shows 215 members of the community in favour of a new playground and 126 supporters for a new outdoor gym. Thanks to all who took part in the survey- the survey results can be found here: Results from community consultation

For the Design and Access statement, results from the community consultation, main drawings and images of the proposal please see above. Full planning application details can be found here:

For information on the flood compensation proposals and more information on the proposals see the information submitted for planning.

Playground meeting minutes:

Play area Meeting 14 June minutes

Play Area Meeting 20 April 17 minutes

Play Area Action Group pictured above, missing Denise Hall and Edwina Johnson.

Parish Council 2020 Meeting dates

Thursday, February 6th
Crowmarsh Gifford V. H.

Thursday, March 5th
Crowmarsh Gifford V. H.

Thursday, April 2nd
Crowmarsh Gifford V.H.

Thursday, May 7th
North Stoke V.H.

Thursday, June 4th
Crowmarsh Gifford V.H.

Thursday, July 2nd
North Stoke V.H.

Thursday, August 6th
Crowmarsh Gifford V.H.

Thursday, September 3rd
Crowmarsh Gifford V. H.

Thursday, October 1st
North Stoke V. H.

Thursday, November 5th
Crowmarsh Gifford V. H.

Thursday, December 10th
North Stoke V.H.

All meetings start at 7.30pm

Date of Annual Parish Council Meeting to be agreed

Please note meeting dates are correct at time of publishing, but may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Consultation on Parish Council Strategic Priorities

Three years ago the Parish Council carried out a residents’ survey focusing on housing and intrastructure facilities. We have achieved some of the things you asked for, including a new playground, outdoor gym and basketball half-court, three traffic speed indicators and defibrillators at key locations.
The major projects we still have on our strategic priorities list (the examples below are in no particular order) include some that depend on other authorities such as the County Council, some that will be funded or provided by housing developments, and some that the Parish Council will lead on.
Please tell us your top priorities in this list and add any other community facilities or improvements you want to see in the parish, by completing the survey here:

Thank you.