Saturday 16th March, 9am – 12noon
Meet in the yard next to the Bridge Villa Camping and Caravan Park. Litter pickers and hi-viz supplied.

Serving the villages of Crowmarsh Gifford, Mongewell and North Stoke
Saturday 16th March, 9am – 12noon
Meet in the yard next to the Bridge Villa Camping and Caravan Park. Litter pickers and hi-viz supplied.
Wallingford Beach has reached the next stage of its application for designated bathing water status – with Defra launching a consultation on whether people think it is a good idea – and why.
Anyone can respond via online survey:…/consultation-on…/
The consultation closes on 10 March.
Sunday 17 March between 9am– 11am at the old South Oxfordshire District Council car park, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, OX10 8ED.
This March the compost give-away is back! Come along with your own box, bag or container to fill up with local compost! Residents can take a maximum of three bags.
Remember to bring a spade!
Housing and Environment
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils
Join a guided bird walk in Ipsden, led by local resident and bird enthusiast Gary Magill, and Emma Davis.
We will meet at 9am at Woodhouse Farm, Ipsden (OX10 6PT) for a 90-minute walk around the farm.
We expect to hear and see a number of different bird species, including winter-only visitors. We plan to walk past the memorial plaque recently installed in memory of the crew of the Stirling bomber, and finish with coffee/tea, cake and chat in ‘the Bistro’ at Woodhouse Farm.
Suggested donation – £12.50 (all proceeds to St Mary’s Church, Ipsden). Numbers limited to enjoy the birds. Afraid no dogs.
To join: please contact Robin Hart, 1 Crabtree Cottages, 07979 426336 or [email protected].
Click the below link to view the Environment Agency live flood map for latest flood warnings.
Residents will be aware that there is encouragement to plant trees to help with the climate emergency and also to support biodiversity and wildlife. On this basis, the Parish Council decided to plant some less-used areas of the Recreation Ground with broadleaved trees. Four hundred saplings were donated by the Woodland Trust and shelters to protect them from deer and rabbits were funded by a grant from SODC and the Parish Council. Volunteers from the Parish came together on two occasions to both plant the trees and erect the biodegradable shelters. Species planted were Field Maple, Silver Birch, English Oak, Grey Willow and Rowan. When established the new woodland will provide a valuable complement to the existing nature area on the Western edge of the Recreation Ground. Some of the tree planters are pictured below.